Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Butterfly Effect

There are times when we do something not for the ultimate outcome,but we are more fascinated by the intermediate activities.Days become sine-wave,with unwanted high frequency but the desired positive amplitude being very low.Larry Page and Sergey Brin's work doesn't work in all cases,at least not in my case.It needs improvement,a hell lot of improvement.
Consoling myself on all these issues takes lot of time,I wish I could spend this time doing something else.Sometimes I doubt my kinship with my nearest one and I must say I am ashamed of doing so.If that small(read big)thing is the cause of all these things and what it gives in return is a bit of popularity,I don't need that.I am no longer selfish and I no longer envious.I wish I regain both my magical powers soon.I don't regret anything and I do regret the which don't require it.Priorities have changed and so has everything.Music has become an addiction.The upper limit of sitting for a work in one go is 10 secs and I am afraid,this too is an exaggeration.
A true lively example of a very long term effect.

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